20,000 DaysThis is the final of three posts discussing the book “20,000 Days And Counting” by Robert D. Smith. Smith has taken a very interesting and compelling look at what his life represented during the first 20,000 days and more importantly, the next 20,000.

If you do the math, you will see that 20,000 days represents more than 54 years on this earth.  Smith takes an aggressive approach to how he will live out his remaining days to the fullest.

As he puts it, “What can you do right now in order to make the most out of the years in front of us? What can we do to accomplish more, to celebrate more, to touch more lives in our remaining years than we have to this point?”

These three posts will summarize Smith’s “Crash Course for Mastering Your Life RIGHT NOW.”

Part one discusses the “20,000 Day Mind-Set.”  Part two deals with “Beating the Clock” and part three makes the simple statement that “Today is Day One.”


In section three, Smith gives several great ways to move forward.

Smith suggests “three steps to catapult your life.”

Step 1:  Determine how many days you have been alive.  Are you shocked?  Amazed? You can use the calculator on his website by clicking here.

STEP 2:  Determine immediately the answer to these two critical, ongoing questions. (I know you can’t be sure about these things, but IF you were, what might they be?)

  1. What is important right now to you?
  2. What is next for you?

STEP 3:  Draft your life’s story and then live it!

Smith then asks seven questions to “seize the essence of today.”

  1. Whose life am I going to brighten today?
  2. What three things am I most grateful for today?
  3. What memories am I going to create today?
  4. What challenge am I going to overcome today?
  5. What value am I going to create today?
  6. How much joy can I create for others and myself today?
  7. What life-changing decision(s) am I going to make today?

Smith brings the book to an end with this quote:

“We all run by two clocks.  One is the outside clock, which ticks away decades and brings us ceaselessly to the dry season.  The other is the inside clock, where you are your own timekeeper and determine your own chronology, your own internal weather and your own rate of living.  Sometimes the inner clock runs itself out long before the outer one, and you see a dead man going through the motions of living.”  –  Max Lerner

Just one simple, yet powerful question today … Has your internal clock run out? The good news is that if it has, you have the power to wind it back up!

Next Wednesday, I will start a new series on “Fred 2.0: New Ideas On How To Keep Delivering Extraordinary Results”


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Barry Smith www.buildingwhatmatters.com 5/1/13 photo courtesy of Amazon