The Law of Timing says that “when to lead is as important as what to do and where to go.”  As I increase my influence in the world of leadership development , I have been strategically planning the what and where aspects of the things I have been doing and where I am doing them.

The problem is that I have not focused on the when as much as I should have.  I have intentionally decided to post on my blog three times a week.  I have a scheduled reading plan and I have placed myself in environments that are conducive to my development as a coach, speaker and trainer.

What I have not done is put enough focus on the timing of the when.  I have been for the most part, letting things happen.  Don’t get me wrong – I am staying on schedule for the things I am currently doing but the things on my “next” list have been there quite a while.  One thing on this list is to join a local business networking organization.

Earlier this week I finally decided to connect, and reached out to one of these organizations.  The timing could not have been better.  They are getting ready to develop both a short term leadership program involving contractors as well as a long term, more comprehensive leadership program that they currently do not have in place.  Both of these are right in line with the type of leadership development I want to be involved with and I will now have the opportunity to collaborate with local business people working towards the same goals and objectives.

John Maxwell in his  The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership gives us seven thoughts on leadership timing:


In order to make decisions, we must be informed on as much information as possible.  Study the situation and make your decisions based on facts and not emotion.


We need to have the maturity level to allow us to make our decisions based on the right motives.  These motives should be congruent with our values and our mission statement.


We need to be confident in the decision.  First the buy-in and then the all-in.  If we are not totally committed to the decison, it may be time to reconsider.


A decision lacking solid follow up and commitment will net the same results.  If you make a decision, stand behind it an move forward without hesitation.  If we start doubting our decision, we will lose the momentum that originlly got the ball rolling.


If you don’t have all the experience that you need in doing something new, surround yourselves with those that do and learn at every opportunity.


If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t.  Don’t confuse the fear of the unknown with not knowing.


If the conditions do not seem perfectly clear, first examine the facts and determine what it would take to make them clear.  If it is something you can control, proceed.  If it is something outside of your control, it may be time to re-evaluate the timing.

There are a lot of positive things that people can do, but if they are not done at the right time, the ability to produce the desired results may be compromised.

The important take away for me – To be successful, we don’t just need to do the right things, we need to do the right things at the right time.  


Next Up:  Law # 20 – The Law of Explosive Growth

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Barry Smith   9/19/12       photo by author