My wife and I were riding our bikes to the store and passed one of the Oracle facilites.  Not much of an event in itself but it reminded me of a story I read earlier this year about Oracle founder, Larry Ellison, buying 98% of the Hawaiian Island of Lanai.

That got me thinking … what would I do if I had an island?

I continue to move towards a life that has less stuff.  There is simply too much that consumes the minutes of our days.  There are things I want to accomplish in my life, things that create my legacy, and they take time.  So what does all that have to do with having an island?

If I had my own island, it would be cool to make it so that people could simply come and enjoy it.  A place to relax, where there is not a huge list of tasks to deal with each day. Hiking on trails and walking on the beach.  Not a lot of houses and very few businesses. Just enough commerce to provide for the basic needs.

Sometimes we hear islands referred to as primitive.  Is this because they don’t have cable TV and garbage service?  Maybe primitive means without distractions.  Sometimes I think primitive sounds pretty good.  I have been on extended hikes in the mountains with only what I have in my pack and no means of communications but to be honest, I really enjoyed those times.

I will probably never have my own island so I got to thinking … what would be the next best thing.  Here are 3 ideas on how to get your own island.


If you can dream it, you can achieve it.  This doesn’t always work,  but you can certainly follow your dream.  It doesn’t matter what your island looks like.  If you want it bad enough, go get it.  Challenge yourself to say “Why Can’t I have that Island.”   Don’t put yourself in a box so tight that you can’ get out.

2.  PLAN

If you really want an island, no matter how big or small, you will need a plan.  I think this is where most people end their pursuit for their island.  They want it, but are not willing to draw out a plan to get it.  You would be quite impressed at how many things you are truly capable of achieving if you simply write down the necessary steps to achieve them and follow those steps.  Try it and see if I am making sense.  If you can identify the steps, there is no reason you can’t achieve them.


Most people will only push themselves as far as they feel comfortably pushed.  Once we get to that place where it just takes too much effort to continue on, we quit.  Whatever your island is, if you really want it bad enough, you will be willing to pay the price.

So what does this all really mean?  I think everyone has an island and part of the legacy I want to leave is helping people find their island.  A place where everything is just right.  Now I understand that perfection will never happen here on earth but we can sure try to get as close to it as possible.

Identify what your Island is and think about planning the trip to get there.  Don’t wait too long or all you will end up with is a copy of the travel brochure.


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Barry Smith   10/20/12            photo by author