The Law of Reflection says that “Learning to pause allows growth to catch up with you.”  I have found that no matter what we do in life, there is always the need to stop or pause and let the events we have encountered catch up with us. Reflection is one way we can do this.

I have a full schedule and several times a day, thoughts cross my mind that require follow up and action. Now if acted immediately on all these thoughts, I would probably get very little done.  Life comes at us fast and for most of us, we have to respond to shifts in direction all day long.

So how do we productively deal with and process these shifts so that we can complete our tasks efficiently and at the same time follow up on the new things that allow us to grow?  John Maxwell in his The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth gives us some great thoughts on reflection and the power of the pause.


Most of us experience many interactions and activities every day.  Some good and some bad.  I believe that we have to opportunity to learn from all our experiences.  The key to doing this is to find time to reflect, to pause, and to process what we have been through.  When we take the time to reflect, it allows us to filter out the distractions and focus on the learning part.  Learning gives us insight into how we might respond when going through the same experience again.


Much of the time, we are in an environment that is influenced by many things that are beyond our control.  It is imperative that we make time and find a place that we can reflect.  How often are you driving down the road and have a great idea cross your mind?  By the time you get to your destination, your mind has been filled with several more things and that original idea is gone forever.  Finding a time and place to reflect allows us to record these thoughts and experiences and use them as a way to grow.


When you intentionally take the time to reflect, go into the reflection time with purpose.  When we go into the reflection period with and expected outcome, the chances of success are much more likely.  Be intentional about documenting what has been learned.  Formulate a follow up activity and construct a framework on what to do with the learned insight.

This picture of my son Scott is one of my favorites.  I took it on the way to a San Francisco Giants baseball game on the BART train.  Like most pictures I take, I didn’t see the 1,000 word value until I reflected on it later.  I have no idea what he was thinking about, but the reflection on the glass and the apparent deep stare at the passing landscape represent an intense focus, a pause, a reflection on what was on his mind at the time.

Make the time, find a place and feel the Power of the Pause.  It just may be the best investment of time that you make today.


Next Up:  Law #5  The Law of Consistency.

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Barry Smith   10/31/12       photo by author