Are you one of those people that is very driven and when you put your mind to something, you almost always get it done? I’m not, or at least I have not been on some things.
As a coach, I encourage others and ask those curious types of questions that get results but just like the mechanic who is always the last one to get his own car fixed, I struggle with some of the things on my list that are important to me.
Today’s topic, and in an effort to be fully transparent in the hopes that my authenticity will bring accountability, will be health. Ok, I realize health is a pretty broad subject – spiritual, mental, emotional and of course “PHYSICAL.” Guess which one I am writing about!
I am doing fairly well in the first three mentioned above but for whatever reason, I just can’t seem to gain ground on the physical health issue. I consider myself to be in fairly good shape but admittedly, I can stand to lose a few pounds and increase my cardio activity. Two big problems – I have a busy schedule and I love to eat. Sound like anyone you know?
My wife told me, just yesterday, about a friend of ours who did nothing but juice for a week and lost 27 pounds. My response, “Maybe I should try that.” I don’t really need to lose 27 pounds, but half of that would be a nice reduction to my resume. Our kids are at college so my first concern was who was going to eat all the food (you know, the good stuff) already in the house. I wouldn’t want to be wasteful – it just wouldn’t be right.
So Michelle asked if I wanted her to let the “supply” dwindle down a little bit and then I could go for it. We already make juice twice a week so we have all the tools necessary and now that spring is here, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables will be much more available.
Alright so nothing new so far, but the question remains to me is why there has to be one thing on our goal list that always seems to be the one thing we simply can’t stay committed to.
I think the answer lies in the question. I think that we typically make goals knowing that we probably won’t meet them all and as long as we get most of them done, we are all good. How lame is that! Just like New Year’s Resolutions … they only last for so long. Then everyone forgets, there is no accountability and we fail to accomplish the mission.
When we put a little more effort into the question, I think we get a better answer and the likelihood of our success increases. So maybe I should take my own advice and ask a better question. Something like “How can I increase my cardio activity and eat a healthier diet so that I can enjoy life more, have more energy, accomplish more because success is empowering and quite honestly be more healthy and feel better.
If I answer that question with some real thought and effort, I believe that answer will result in success. So force my hand friends – challenge me to answer the question so that my only option is success.
In the mean time, figure out what the one thing is that you just can’t seem to overcome and see if you have enough confidence to ask someone else to ask you what your question is.
The better the question, the better the answer, so how ’bout it – what’s your question?
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Barry Smith 4/5/13 photo by author
Barry, for me, the thing that was always holding me back with my physical health—namely my weight—was that I *said* I wanted to lose weight and get healthy, but my actions didn’t reflect that stated desire. It wasn’t until I had my daughter and suddenly had an extremely personal but external reason to change my habits that I was able to reach my goal weight.
Maybe the question you should be asking is what’s your big WHY? Drill down and find the real reason you want to get healthy and then see if it’s a big enough reason. What do you think?
Thanks Lacy. Sounds like your daughter definitely provided your “why”. I found out a short while ago that a good friend of mine may have had a mild heart attack this morning. Maybe my “why” just got a little stronger!
Barry, I had to smile a little okay maybe laugh out loud when I read your article this morning. I laugh because this was almost a carbon copy of a recent conversation in our house.
Lacy made a good point what is the big picture? For me I chose to set small goals and be realistic in setting them. For example my big goal was 30lbs over one year. I chose a weekly goal of 1.5lbs a week and asked my wife to hold me accountable and boy did she.
I treated this as I would treat a project at work and because I am result driven I was able to succeed and reach my weekly and one year goal. Family is everything and if you don’t take of health the less you get to enjoy the family. This is what drove me.
Thanks Mike and well stated. What ever we are trying to accomplish of significance usually doesn’t happen in a day, it happens daily.
I agree with Lacy..I want to lose wieght/take care of self but sometimes my actions dont reflect that. I had to sit down and fiqure out why. I had to decide to do for myself & no one else!
Great post 🙂
Great point Audrey. Sometimes “what other people want” clouds our own judgement for what we want (and need). Thanks for the insight.
Well, I really laughed, Barry. I am in the same boat. In the last 9 months, I have gained weight and reduced my activity level. I have been sitting at my desk writing and working on my website. It seemed like the “right” thing to do.
Now, I hear my cholesterol level is risen and I am at the no choice point. LOL. Maybe I should get a juicer and a new pair of athletic shoes.
Good to know I am not alone Serena. I think Mike is all over the solution in simply setting small attainable goals to carry us through to success. OK, you have stepped to the line of intention – now go buy those shoes!
Thanks for being transparent Barry! Rooting for your success in ALL areas of health and wellness!
Thanks for the support Cindy. New plan of attack for exercise starts tomorrow!