by Barry | Jun 16, 2013 | 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Awareness, Growth, Influence, Inspiration, Leadership, Relationships, Teamwork
After two days of training I thought I had it figured out. Yea, right! First thing, I lose my trusted interpreter. Then I am told I will be teamed up with someone. OK – This will take me outside my comfort zone for sure. I was just getting comfortable with the...
by Barry | Jun 14, 2013 | 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Awareness, Empowerment, Engagement, Environment, Goals, Infuence, Inspiration, Leadership, Listening
All the lessons learned yesterday made this morning run much smoother. As the news spread about the work we have been doing, additional requests were received for more. Several team members pulled double duty today to accommodate the requests for additional...
by Barry | Jun 13, 2013 | 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Awareness, Empowerment, Leadership, Listening, Personal Development, Values
I find it hard to explain what happen today. I am not going to say it was great, incredible or unbelievable even though those words probably describe what took place. The truth is I don’t know how to explain it. How do you explain something that you have never done...
by Barry | Jun 12, 2013 | 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Awareness, Empowerment, Growth, Influence, Inspiration, Leadership, Listening
I have come to the conclusion that stating the “today was incredible” will become quite redundant so I will just get to it. Today was the first day that we had the opportunity to really connect with the local residents that are helping out. This morning we finalized...
by Barry | Jun 11, 2013 | Accountability, Empowerment, Influence, Inspiration, Leadership, Leadership Development, Teamwork, Values
I know before even starting this post, that I will fail in adequately describing the emotional impact to the team today. If the importance of this undertaking were not clear before today, it is now. Along with great training from John and the EQUIP team, we were...