by Barry | Apr 16, 2013 | Decision Making, Growth, Influence, Inspiration, Leadership, Legacy, Personal Development, Purpose
Being the sports fanatic that I am, I have been exposed to the idea of “potential” my entire life. At least in the sports world, potential is usually a term used to express “what a person could become if they put in the work and develop their...
by Barry | Apr 15, 2013 | Attitude, Decision Making, Goals, Growth, Inspiration, Personal Development, Purpose
We have all heard the phrase “curiosity killed the cat.” This usually refers to the idea that cats, being curious by nature, find themselves in various predicaments that will result in their untimely demise. I am not going to suggest that this has never...
by Barry | Apr 14, 2013 | Attitude, Decision Making, Environment, Focus, Personal Development, Relationships
Chances are if you are reading his, you are stressed out about something. Maybe lots of things. There has been a lot written about stress and how to avoid it. Honestly, I dream of the day when I am not stressed out about something. I am not sure that day will ever...
by Barry | Apr 13, 2013 | Awareness, Decision Making, Focus, Growth, Personal Development, Purpose, Vision
I have never made the claim of being a scholar when it comes to the English language. Sometimes I misuse words and sometimes I misspell them, although modern technology has taken care of most of that. I know I mess up on defining them occasionally so I thought I...
by Barry | Apr 12, 2013 | Awareness, Communication, Personal Development, Relationships
Relationships. That’s a topic all guys like to talk about. Right? I think the reason men don’t like talking about relationships because we are too busy fixing things and gathering food. OK – I tried! The general thought is that men identify...