by Barry | Mar 8, 2013 | Accountability, Attitude, Character, Purpose, Relationships
I was recently on the phone with Christian Simpson, one of my mentors on the John Maxwell Team, and the discussion was related to our values. He asked if I know what my values are. More importantly, do other people know what they are and how do they know? Just to...
by Barry | Mar 6, 2013 | Awareness, Communication, Influence, Leadership, Listening, Purpose
This is the second of of three posts taking a look at Dan Pink’s “To Sell Is Human.” Pink brings a new look at the art of selling and explains why although statistically one of nine Americans work in sales, so do the rest of us. In section one, Pink...
by Barry | Mar 4, 2013 | Accountability, Awareness, Engagement, Influence, Intentionality, Leadership, Listening, Vision
Have you considered how well you are connected to your tribe? A few weeks ago, I flew to Orlando to spend a week with friends and colleagues with the John Maxwell Team. The first day was spent as part of the President’s Advisory Council. Paul Martinelli, the...
by Barry | Mar 1, 2013 | Attitude, Awareness, Influence, Leadership, Relationships, Team Chemistry, Teamwork
One of my favorite things about travelling is meeting new and interesting people. I can usually tell right away once entering a conversation if the person is someone that I would like to invest more time in. Sometimes, like on an airplane, you don’t get a...
by Barry | Feb 28, 2013 | Leadership
On March 1st, a large conglomerate of leadership experts, coaches, speakers, authors, and leaders will come together for the 2nd Annual International Leadership Blogathon on For 31 days we will read amazing...