by Barry | Dec 24, 2012 | Character, Influence, Legacy, Priorities, Relationships
Well it is Christmas Eve and all through the house … everyone is stirring because it’s Christmas Eve. That’s not exactly how it goes, but that’s how it feels. This is a very busy time of the year. Most of us have either traveled to be with...
by Barry | Dec 21, 2012 | Awareness, Decision Making, Influence, Inspiration, Leadership, Priorities, Purpose, Relationships
Our oldest son Scott came home from college on Wednesday and our youngest son Spencer and his girlfriend Paige get home today. For the next two weeks we will be a family under the same roof for the first time since June. Things have been so busy lately that although I...
by Barry | Dec 19, 2012 | 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Accountability, Awareness, Decision Making, Influence, Intentionality, Personal Development, Priorities
The Law of Trade-Offs says that “You Have To Give Up To Grow Up.” I never really understood this until the last few years. I had been making trade-offs thinking that the end result justified my actions. The problem was, I was trading in the wrong...
by Barry | Dec 17, 2012 | Attitude, Awareness, Character, Influence, Leadership, Listening, Relationships
I am not going to pretend I have any idea of what the families in Newtown, Connecticut are feeling today. There are no words that can describe the pain and sorrow that must be overwhelming the entire community. Not to draw any comparison, but I have lost family and...
by Barry | Dec 14, 2012 | Attitude, Awareness, Decision Making, Intentionality, Relationships
Well here we are, right in the middle of the Christmas season and we have an whole new array of decisions to make every day. When will I do my Christmas shopping? How much will I eat? How am I going to deal with all those people in my house? This is my favorite time...