by Barry | Nov 7, 2012 | 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Attitude, Decision Making, Goals, Leadership, Personal Development, Priorities, Success
The Law of Consistency says that Motivation Gets You Going – Discipline Keeps You Growing. I don’t like this law. You might think that is strange because I teach this law but the fact is, I struggle with law possibly more than any of the Laws that John...
by Barry | Nov 5, 2012 | Attitude, Decision Making, Goals, Inspiration, Intentionality, Leadership, Legacy, Personal Development, Vision
I was on a mastermind call recently with a group of people that I would consider my inner circle. In talking about our life goals and plans and the notion of living a full and intentional life, I suggested the idea of “why can’t we …..”...
by Barry | Nov 2, 2012 | Awareness, Brand, Character, Decision Making, Influence, Leadership, Respect, Trust
Does your audio match your video? I love that question. If you don’t understand it or have not heard it before, it is asking if your actions match your words. We all know that person who says things that are not even close to how they act. I wonder if these people...
by Barry | Oct 31, 2012 | 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Awareness, Decision Making, Intentionality, Leadership, Personal Development, Vision
The Law of Reflection says that “Learning to pause allows growth to catch up with you.” I have found that no matter what we do in life, there is always the need to stop or pause and let the events we have encountered catch up with us. Reflection is one...
by Barry | Oct 30, 2012 | Awareness, Communication, Decision Making, Intentionality, Leadership, Listening
In one of my mastermind groups, we were discussing the law of awareness and one of the participants made the comment “I’m like a sponge, I just listen to everything and soak it all up.” Now I have certainly heard this expression before but this time it really made...