by Barry | Oct 29, 2012 | Awareness, Decision Making, Intentionality, Intuition, Leadership, Priorities
As I write this, Hurricane Sandy is set to smack the eastern coast line in a way that we have not seen in recent history. I am on the left coast so my participation in this event will have to be lived vicariously through friends that I have within the storms path. I...
by Barry | Oct 29, 2012 | Attitude, Empowerment, Influence, Leadership, Leadership Development, Success
How do you define real success? I find it interesting how many different answers I get to this question. Let me first say that I do not think there are any wrong answers to the question. Success means something different to everyone. Some may have it connected to...
by Barry | Oct 28, 2012 | Leadership
What difference does it make if you vote in the upcoming election? It’s only one vote, right? Nobody ever wins a major election by one vote so what difference does it make if I vote or not? If you follow this blog, you know that I don’t like politics and...
by Barry | Oct 27, 2012 | Accountability, Awareness, Empowerment, Influence, Inspiration, Leadership, Personal Development, Success
I recently read an article suggesting that character strengths can be developed by the environment in which kids grow up. I don’t think too many people would argue with this concept but what I found really interesting was that it was suggested that we can...
by Barry | Oct 27, 2012 | Decision Making, Goals, Inspiration, Leadership, Personal Development, Priorities, Success
I know, it’s not January yet, so why am I writing about goals? First of all, the notion that we should wait until New Year’s to come up with some new goals is nonsense. New Year’s resolutions aren’t new goals anyway. They are simply the goals...