by Barry | Oct 26, 2012 | Awareness, Coaching, Communication, Engagement, Influence, Leadership, Leadership Development, Listening, Relationships
I was recently involved in a conversation with my coaching mentor on the topic of self leadership. The conversation was related to the coaching process but it struck me that the practice of self-leadership is really something that we need to incorporate into all...
by Barry | Oct 24, 2012 | Leadership
The Law of The Mirror says that “You must see value in yourself to add value to yourself.” My takeaway from that is that in order to grow and stretch we need a level of self-confidence that will allow us to step out of our comfort zone. Why is this...
by Barry | Oct 22, 2012 | Leadership
I recently returned from a trip from California and while unpacking discovered a 10 oz. water bottle that I forgot to take out of my back pack. No big deal right? Problem is that I took it through in a carry on bag. I think the rule is no liquids over 3 oz. and put...
by Barry | Oct 21, 2012 | Leadership
I saw this sign in a grocery store parking lot in California this weekend. I live in Oregon and I have never seen this sign before. It probably won’t be long because once California does something, Oregon is usually no more than a couple years behind. In this...
by Barry | Oct 21, 2012 | Attitude, Awareness, Decision Making, Goals, Inspiration, Intentionality, Leadership, Legacy, Purpose, Vision
My wife and I were riding our bikes to the store and passed one of the Oracle facilites. Not much of an event in itself but it reminded me of a story I read earlier this year about Oracle founder, Larry Ellison, buying 98% of the Hawaiian Island of Lanai. That got me...