???????????????????????????????Well, we have made it through another Holiday season and I hope that yours was full of joy and happiness.  I love this time of the year for many reasons, one of which is all the classic Holiday Movies that we have come to love.

One of my favorite is “The Santa Clause” starring Tim Allen.  There is a scene in the movie where Allen is at the North Pole and tells one of the elves; “I see it, but I don’t believe it.”  She replies; “You’re missing the point, seeing isn’t believing, believing is seeing.”

I have seen so many blogs written about goal setting and New Year’s resolutions.  Hey, nothing wrong with that and most of them if applied and followed will no doubt, net positive results.  I want to put a little different spin on it.

I think that most people fail at reaching their goals because they need to see them to believe them.  What is we believed they would come true before even beginning that “Day 1” activity.  I don’t know if this is true or not but I have heard one of my mentors refer to January 10th as National Quit Day.  The average day that most people quit their New Year’s Resolutions.

For the sake of this post, I will assume this is true.  Why do most people quit less than two weeks into what they saw as their goal for the new year?  Simple, if you buy what I am selling – they have not seen any change and therefore don’t believe it will come true.  End of story!

I am taking a little different approach this year.  I have my goals and a plan to achieve them, but I have simply accepted the fact that they will happen.  This may sound a little far fetched and that’s OK.  My mentor John Maxwell, once told me that; “What other people are saying about you is none of your business.”  Good advice as far as I am concerned.

So I am sure you would like to know how this works.  Well, here is my take.  I have been working hard on building my business for over two years and I am seeing the results of doing the things that required believing before seeing.  I am not going to pretend that my own self-limiting beliefs have not taken me to some lows along the way, but I do believe.

I know that there will always be bad with the good, but accepting that allows me to move past the challenges knowing that they will always exist.  Believing that good will happen and then watching it happen reinforces my belief that this will be my best year ever.

If you think about it, there are many things in life that really require believing before seeing.  Things like love, joy, peace and happiness.  Really, put this to the test – if you get up in the morning believing that you are going to have a great day, you will.  If you wait to see something good happen before you put a smile on your face … well, good luck with that!

“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” – Henry Ford (Tweet This / Share on Facebook)

My hope for you today, and really the rest of this year, is that you can find some truth in the idea that believing is seeing.  So a simple question for you to ponder today; “What do you believe will happen this year?”  


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Barry Smith  1/2/14   photo by author   © Building What Matters 2014