by Barry | Apr 27, 2013 | Awareness, Character, Communication, Influence, Leadership, Relationships, Respect, Trust
You know the old saying “an elephant never forgets.” I don’t know the complete story about elephants but I do know about telling the truth. Not that I have never told a lie before, but I try and be as honest as I can. I think most of the people I...
by Barry | Apr 26, 2013 | Awareness, Brand, Influence, Inspiration, Legacy, Purpose
Have you ever listened to someone tell you their life story and you get to the end and think “my life is so boring compared to that? I think most of us have, but I have news for you – your life is not boring! You might think it is because you don’t...
by Barry | Apr 25, 2013 | Awareness, Brand, Environment, Focus, Growth, Influence, Leadership, Leadership Development, Personal Development, Purpose, The 5 Pillars of Influential Leadership
This is the 4th of 16 weekly installments on The 5 Pillars of Influential Leadership. Every Thursday, I will break down the 5 Pillars and show you how becoming and influential leader will not only improve your job skills but your personal life as well. The 5 Pillars...
by Barry | Apr 24, 2013 | Attitude, Awareness, Communication, Decision Making, Focus, Growth, Influence, Legacy, Purpose
This is the second of three posts discussing the book “20,000 Days And Counting” by Robert D. Smith. Smith has taken a very interesting and compelling look at what his life represented during the first 20,000 days and more importantly, the next 20,000. If...
by Barry | Apr 21, 2013 | Awareness, Character, Communication, Environment, Influence, Leadership, Listening, Relationships, Team Chemistry
Do you have friends in your workplace? Or are you one of those people that feels that the professional workplace has no room for friendship? There are varying philosophies on the idea of friendship at work. Some feel that there is no place for it in a professional...
by Barry | Apr 19, 2013 | Attitude, Decision Making, Focus, Influence, Intentionality, Leadership, Legacy, Purpose
There has been much written over the last week related to the tragedy during the Boston Marathon and now we grieve over the explosion in Texas that has claimed many more lives. I was not directly impacted by either of these events, and I will not begin to suggest I...