5 Pillars webThis is the Final of 16 weekly installments on The 5 Pillars of Influential Leadership.  For the past 15 weeks I have broken down the 5 Pillars and show you how becoming and influential leader will not only improve your job skills but your personal life as well.

The 5 Pillars is a project that I have been working on for almost two years and had a great time with the official launch of “The 5 Pillars of Influential Leadership” Coaching program on May 23th.

Why the 5 Pillars?  I have spent more than 30 years in the business world and although it has been primarily in the Construction world, the 5 Pillars philosophy works across all industries.  In fact, while developing this program I realized that it can have a significant impact on your personal life as well.

I will break down each Pillar into three sections, personal, business and community. Any growth or improvement needs to start within, with the end goal of influencing the community you live in.  In this post we will take a look at COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP.

Here we are, the final Pillar – Leadership.  For 15 weeks we have been discussing the skills and values that help form an influential leader.  In this final post of the series, we will look at what influential leaders do to add value to their communities.


Any business plan should be built around success and abundance.  Don’t build a model that will simply meet your personal goals but factor into the budget an amount designated to go back into your community.

I heard a great quote from John Maxwell this week.  “Success is not defined by what you do, but what what you do that you don’t have to do.”  That’s a powerful statement.  What are you doing right now that you don”t have to do, that will add value to the community you are in?


There are two distinctly different types of pride and I will address what I consider the positive side of pride in this thought.  Taking pride in what you do will result in a product the represents who you are.  We have all heard the saying “if something’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.”  Are you taking the time to do things right?

I remember telling my boys to take pride in the work they were doing, no matter what it was. People appreciate a job well done and the amount of pride that is reflected in your work will be a direct reflection on the way you do just about everything.  I love the quote; “The way you do something is the way you do everything.”  Think about that one!


Being strategic only works when the plan is well thought out and the purpose is clear.  Your strategy in business or life, should include ways to give back to your community and those around you.

I know, “things happen” right?  Well they do but when you have a specific strategy on making things happen, it is much more likely that the things you want to happen, will happen.


Trust is one of the words I have used twice within this series.  Why?  Because it’s that important.  “Trust, not money, is the real currency in life and business.”  David Horsager makes this statement in The Trust Edge and he is right.  People do business with those they they know, like and (you guessed it) trust.

Being trusted within your community brings trust to everyone you are connected to.  Don’t ever underestimate the power of trust when it comes to your brand or the brand of your business.


Influential leaders commit time, money and other resources to the communities that they live in.  Success in life is build around relationships and without them, personal or business, you will struggle to survive.

If you look at anyone or any business that is well respected in the community, you will find a history of giving back.  Make a difference in someone else’s life and you will see a difference in your own.


Legacy is the other word I have used twice in this series.  I have intentionally selected this to be the final key concept related to influential leadership.  Leaving a legacy is not about what you did, it is about what you did for others.

As I have stated before, the reason I changed careers in my forties was because I wanted to create a legacy that would leave an impact long after I am gone.  My dream and desire is to develop leaders that will develop leaders that will develop leaders.

Understanding and implementing The 5 Pillars Of Influential Leadership will do just that. Wishing you all the best and leave you with the encouragement to be Intentional about your next move in becoming and influential leader.

The 5 Pillars coaching program will take each topic to a much deeper level.  We will explore open ended questions and how they are directly impacting your life and more specifically in this segment, will allow you to evaluate and understand your role in growing your business.

In the mean time, start asking the type of questions that will result in better answers. When you ask “How can I”  you get an answer that will move the needle.  “What can I do today to increase my ability to be an influential leader in my community?”  Answer that question, act on it, and you will succeed.



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Barry Smith    8/15/13   photo by author   © Building What Matters 2013