SONY DSCMost of our success in life originated from some person, place or event that inspired us, or did it?

I have recently given this idea much thought and I am beginning to believe that it is not where someone has ended up that inspires me, bu the journey they took to get there.

I have surrounded myself with people that inspire me and I can honestly say that some have made it big time and some are still in the early stages.  The interesting thing to me as I try and learn from their experiences, is that I am no more inspired by those that have already achieved their goals and dreams then those who are still in pursuit.

I have been asked before, “Who inspires you?” and for the most part my mind immediately shifted to those who, by the standards set by the world we live in, have achieved success.

I have a different look on things now.  Why do I feel this way?  Because I see the hard work and determination that leads up to the accomplishment.

Think about it.  How often do we really know what it took for someone to achieve their goals and reach their dreams?  Usually it’s not until they have gotten there and we read about it in their book, in a magazine or some other social media publication.

I now draw my inspiration from my friends and colleagues who are doing what I am doing.  Chasing their dream through hard work and perseverance.  Overcoming adversity because their “why” is strong enough to find the “how.”

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.”  –  Robert Louis Stevenson

I love what Stevenson says.  Do you find inspiration in what you give or what you get? The thing that inspires me most is watching people that are working hard to add value to others, not themselves.  That’s what inspires me.

If I want to inspire others, I need to give them hope that they can be more and achieve more.  The way I can do that is by believing in myself and believing in them.

“In life you need either inspiration or desperation.”  –  Tony Robbins

I want others to live an inspired life not a desperate one.  Most people wake up every day focused on what they have to do.  My dream is for people to wake up focused on what they want to do.

So does inspiration come from the journey or from the destination?  I believe it comes from the journey.  The destination might look nice but it’s the trip that makes the difference.

In July, I am taking my youngest son on a road trip to Mt. Rushmore.  The trip will include stops in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park.

Seeing Mt. Rushmore will certainly be something I will remember for the rest of my life but what inspires me is that I get to spend two thousand miles with my son.  I have planned out the trip and every day we have a destination, but the journey is what we will remember.

Simon Sinek in his Ted talk “How great leaders inspire action” says that people don’t care about what you do, they care about why you do it.  My question today, “Why do you do what you do?”


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Barry Smith    6/3/13   photo by author   © Building What Matters 2013