John and his Dad

Have you ever really considered whether or not your going to live until you die?  You might think this is a stupid question.  But seriously … are you really living or just alive.

Are you living the life you were meant to live?  Are you passionate about the things you do everyday?  Are you creating a legacy?  Are you excited to start each day?

How come people use the expression “living the dream” when they are really living the nightmare.  You are the only one that can change your current situation so if you need a check up from the neck up to figure out whether you are really living or not, now’s the time.  Now is the time to start living.

I heard John Maxwell introduce his father at an event I was at in February and when he introduced him and brought him up to the stage, he said these words:

“I would like to introduce you to the most important man to me here on earth, my father.  And some time ago my father decided HE WAS GOING TO LIVE UNTIL HE DIED ….”

John’s 87 year old father proceeded to light that room on fire for about twenty minutes appearing as if he was in his twenties with the energy and enthusiasm he brought to that stage.  Everyone in the room now understood what John had meant when he introduced his dad.

That day and those words changed my life forever.  You see, it was that day that I decided I was going to live until I died.  The event I was at was the  “live” training component that completed my certification as a John Maxwell coach, trainer and speaker.

For three days, I collaborated with 500 like minded people that shared my goals, my vision and my desire to leave a legacy by making a difference in people’s lives.  Somewhere during those three days I started to change the way I looked at things and a funny thing happened … the things I was looking at started to change.

My point is this – I think most people fall short of the life they were meant to live.  I have seen what it looks like to actually be living instead of just repeating the same thing over and over every day and I am energized to accomplish more than I ever thought possible.

Ask yourself this question –

“When was the last time I made a difference in someone’s life?”

My challenge to you today is to take a hard look at the life you are living.  Think about what it is that you are passionate about and focus on it.  I wake up each morning excited to see what opportunity I will have to make a difference in other people’s lives and build my legacy in the process.

“What will people say about you after you are gone?  More importantly, will they say anything at all?”



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Barry Smith   8/3/12                                                          photo credit: john maxwell company