Do you ever feel like you are leading a bunch of lost sheep?  So many times I have heard “leaders” make the statement that the people they are leading just won’t follow their lead.  My first question to them would be “Why should they follow you?”

Honestly, I have not asked this question as many times as I probably should have but I can guess some of the responses I most likely would have received …

“They aren’t smart enough to see the big picture.”

“They just don’t get it.”

“They only care about themselves.”

Notice the pattern – It’s all about what the other people are doing or not doing.

“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.”   –   Vince Lombardi

I love that quote by Lombardi.  What do you think the result would be if the leader responded like this …

“I have not given them a reason to trust me.”

“I am not leading by example.”

“I have not communicated our vision well enough so they will become engaged.”

The real reason that a leader is not followed is because he is not leading.  Any successful leader most likely has worked hard to be successful in these areas:

COMMUNICATION – It takes energy to communicate effectively.  No one likes to feel like they are in the dark.  When you invest the time to communicate the goals and objectives that are desired, you will have a much better chance of engagement from those you are leading.

ATTITUDE – People do what people see.  There are several events that happen every day in all our lives that can result in a poor attitude.  As a leader, you need to be the one that displays a positive attitude, especially during difficult or challenging times.  If you can demonstrate a positive attitude, those around you will follow.  The leader sets the tone so if your followers have a bad attitude, you might want to take a look in the mirror.

RELATIONSHIPS – You do not have to be the best friend of the people you are leading but it is important that they know you value them.  My mentor, John Maxwell says “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”  When your followers know that you care, they will be much more likely to follow.  Invest the time to let them know you care.

VISION – As a leader, you have the responsibility to develop and express the vision of where you want to go.  A leader needs his followers to buy into the vision and direction that he is headed.  Without working hard to really connect and share that vision, followers will be simply be travelling along their own path.

Leadership is influence.  If you want to be successful in these areas, you need to be willing to invest your energy and time and allow your influence to inspire your followers.  You can pay the price now or you can pay it later – with interest.  What choice will you make?


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Barry Smith   8/10/12             photo by author