How do you define real success?  I find it interesting how many different answers I get to this question.  Let me first say that I do not think there are any wrong answers to the question.  Success means something different to everyone.  Some may have it connected to financial wealth while others may not have money part of the equation at all.

I also find it interesting that some people are working in areas that have nothing to do with what they define as success.  I got to thinking about this the other day when speaking to some high school seniors talking about their next steps in education.  Some were going on to college with very specific intentions, some were going on to college unclear as to what fields they were going to study and some were planning careers that did not include college.

I did not think about it at the time, but I would have liked to ask the question “How is what you are going to do make you successful?”  One of the programs I am certified to train in is from John Maxwell’s 101 series.  It is “How To Be A REAL Success.”  You guessed it – another acronym.  So here are the four things that Maxwell says that if you can be proficient in, you can be successful in any field at any level.


We all have relationships, both personal and business.  Clearly our personal relationships have an enormous impact on out attitudes, mental health and even our physical health. Business relationships can not only help us succeed but can help us grow.  We have all heard that “it’s not what you know, but who you know.”  This may not always be true, but the fact remains that we need help to succeed.  We can’t do it alone.  Choose the people you develop relationships with wisely.  Once you have developed positive relationships, protect them.


Like I just said, we can’t succeed alone.  In our personal relationships, we need to encourage others and take advantage of any opportunity to help them grow.  Part of our overall life goals should be to equip others to do what we are good at doing.  We have been blessed with certain skills.  I believe we have a moral responsibility to equip others to do the same.  In business, this is equally important.  Not only can we not do everything ourselves, but we shouldn’t have to.  The more we can equip others to do what we do, the more time we will have to focus on we want to do.


“Our attitude determines our altitude.”  You have heard it before and it’s true.  Another great thing about attitude is that it is contagious.  There is no better way to lead by example than in our attitude.  Others will be watching so give them a good example to follow.


Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.  The number one thing in my mind that will lead to success of any kind is to positively influence others.  Leadership has both power and responsibility.  When we take care of the responsibility piece, we gain the power to make things happen.

If you can positively manage these four things in your life, you can succeed at anything you put your mind to.  My suggestion to you is to use them in a way that adds value to others.  Others will respect you and follow you if you invest in them and do what you say you will do.

Value and protect your relationships.  Equip others to become more than they currently are.  Display a positive attitude in everything you do.  Act in a way that positively influences others and show strong leadership skills.  Do these things and REAL Success will not be far away.


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Barry Smith   10/29/12            photo by author