urgencyThis month in The Platform Builders mastermind group we are working our way through “The Power Of Urgency – Playing to Win with Proactive Urgency” by William Keiper.  John Maxwell teaches that the greatest gap is the gap between what we know and what we do.  I believe the Proactive Urgency that Keiper is talking about can close that gap.

I have to admit that, compared to the rest of the world, I have had it pretty easy during my 48+ years on this planet.  I have always had my needs met and have had more than my share of wants.  I used to take this for granted but after spending a week in Guatemala last June, I realized how blessed I have been.

As much as I appreciate my good fortune, my reflection on my life has helped me to understand that I allowed that blessing to be a crutch at the same time.  I never really felt a sense of urgency growing up.  I never got into that mental or emotional state of despair that some would consider a place of urgency.

Because of that, I have struggled to apply a sense of urgency to really, much of anything in my life.  Don’t get me wrong, I have faced deadlines and situations where the pressure was on, but I always saw a path to the end.  I never realized how this was setting me up for failure.   Maybe failure is the wrong word here, but I have gone through most of my life assuming that things will simply work out and they usually did.

“We are more ready to try the untried when what we do is inconsequential.” – Eric Hoffer  (Tweet This / Post to LinkedIn)

The real impact in this is that complacency and mediocrity, the status quo, became an acceptable outcome for me.  If you know me, you know that I have always had a strong work ethic and have accomplished quite a bit in my lifetime.  That being said, the idea of “Proactive Urgency” that Keiper describes in great detail was never part of my game plan and I realize now how much more I could have accomplished.  Never too late to learn, right!

In this, the first of three posts, I want to offer up Keiper’s thought provoking take on the idea of Proactive Urgency.  Keiper ends each of the 17 chapters with an “Urgency Rule” and I want to highlight a few to set the frame for the rest of the book.

Urgency Rule #1 – Proactive urgency is purposeful, insistent, committed action pursued with a passionate edge.  It is an activist choice to access your deepest personal power for the creation of almost immediate transformation.

What would be on your list of items that you are purposeful in, insistent upon and committed to?  All I can say is I need a bigger list!

Urgency Rule #4 – The world has changed.  Our long-trusted external support systems are weakening.  Self-reliance in thought and action is critical for reaching your most important objectives.

Based on current statistics, the things that we could once depend on – work, family, education and religion are becoming diluted in today’s cyber-world.  Unfortunately, our ability to find strength in those items is becoming more difficult.  These were once the foundation of our existence and now they have become, for many, simply things that fit in when we have time.

Urgency Rule #6 – Choosing to act with on-demand urgency yields continuous, incremental advantages.  Think of pro-urgency as your edge in a competition – your life where winning by fractions always matters.

It’s true, the difference between winning and losing or success and failure in often found in the minor details.  The smallest of details do matter.  Just ask an Olympic swimmer or downhill racer.  A sense of urgency might just give you the advantage that makes the difference.

The question: Who do you know that displays this “Proactive Urgency” in their life that has resulted in success?

The challenge:  Go talk to them and find out how they use it and how you can apply the same principles in your life.


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Barry Smith  2/5/14   photo courtesy of amazon   © Building What Matters 2014